User agreement

  1. A website hosted in this domain provides its services to registered users in accordance with this Agreement. In case of disagreement with any clause of this Agreement, instructions or changes, or if you for any reason do not want to continue to use this site, please leave this site.
  2. All services are provided "as is". Any claims of the user related to the use of this service are not considered. We do not guarantee the absence of errors. No losses are compensated.
  3. The site does not guarantee uninterrupted operation, we do not give any warnings about possible failures or problems.
  4. The site may at any time modify this Agreement. You acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions. You assume full responsibility for the periodic reading of these Rules. This Agreement and other service policy principles published on this site provide a complete and exclusive agreement between you and this site and govern the use of these services.
  5. You confirm that you are already 14 years of age, and you have all the rights (or with the consent of the guardian) to fulfill all the conditions, obligations, requirements and guarantees arising from this Agreement, and you can fulfill all these conditions.
  6. The user guarantees the accuracy of the information provided during registration and the absence of any claims of third parties.
  7. The user agrees to transfer their personal data, which will be stored with us when using our site. Servers for storing personal data can be located in any country, regardless of the country of the user. Personal data of Russian users are stored on the server in the Russian data center. Your personal data is the same for all of our projects. The current list of projects working with a single user database is available on the "About Us" page. The list of our projects may change.
  8. The user agrees that his personal data (full name and email address) can be accessed by the user who invited him.
  9. Self-registration of referrals by users, as well as financial interaction with invited referrals is prohibited.
  10. The User undertakes to reimburse all costs and expenses incurred as a result of his actions (for example, compensation for any illegal content posted by the user, or compensation for damage caused by fraud).
  11. User agrees to comply with all copyrights and other rights and laws.
  12. If the provisions of this Agreement are unclear or vague, this is interpreted solely in favor of the site. In the event of such ambiguities or disputes, the user undertakes to obtain clarifications by contacting our legal department.
  13. The site reserves the right to refuse to provide services to any user unilaterally, without explaining the reasons.
  14. Observance of all instructions published on the functional pages of this site is mandatory!
  15. The user agrees not to resort to methods that bypass or violate the instructions of our site.
  16. Privacy policy is an integral part of the User Agreement and can not be considered separately. Click here to read the Privacy policy