Privacy policy
Confidentiality & Cookies
We always protect the personal information of our users. Data collected from users is stored in accordance with all necessary security measures. We take the technical and organizational measures necessary to protect user information.
Our service is presented on several sites. We carefully study all links posted by users, for the presence of malicious content and for compliance with the laws of most countries. However, we are not responsible for the content posted by our users. If you believe that our users are violating any rights or laws, contact our legal department.
We collect some data about the users they enter during registration and when using our service. We can transfer aggregated information about the user to third parties without disclosing their identity information. In addition, we automatically collect information about browsers, geography of users, as well as information about the IP-address and cookies-files of visitors to our service. Third parties will not have access to automatically collected data, unless otherwise indicated in the capabilities of the service (for example, display the user's IP address in the comments according to the user settings).
We can provide access to personal data of the user only in exceptional cases:
- Access to the technical part of our contractors and performers for the development and support of the service;
- Negotiations on the sale of all or part of the share of our business;
- Disclosure of information at the request of the judiciary (if such requirements are not politically motivated).
The user agrees that his personal data (full name and email address) can be accessed by the user who invited him to register.
To store certain personal information, we use cookies stored on the user's computer, in accordance with the policies of the browser. On our pages may be present javascript-codes of other systems (for example, web analytics or advertising systems). Such systems may use cookies for other purposes. If you do not agree with the user agreement or privacy policy, you can click here and leave the site. In this case, all your cookies will be deleted. Click here to remove cookies and leave.
Privacy policy is an integral part of the User Agreement and can not be considered separately from this document. Click here to read the User Agreement.